Sustainable investing
Our commitment to sustainable investing revolves around one key factor—our fiduciary responsibility to our clients and alignment to their values.
Our sustainable investing beliefs
Fosters relationships with investors and communities by aligning with their values.
Integration may influence investment outcomes by adding the potential for climate, regulatory, and environmental risk mitigation to client portfolios.
Offers the potential to enhance security analysis by providing a holistic view of the factors driving risk and return, which may lead to enhanced fiduciary oversight and governance.
Our commitment to sustainable investing
Integration occurs across all actively managed asset classes, with the approach determined by each investment group’s process.
Signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment since 2010.
We are an industry leader in responsible real estate investing, with a unique Pillars of Responsible Property Investing sustainability platform.
Our investment teams have decades of experience managing custom-screened, socially responsible mandates for institutional clients.
Our Principal Real Estate team is a recognized leader in responsible property investing.1 Learn More
Aligning on our sustainable investing strategy
Listen as Kamal Bhatia, Chief Executive Officer of Principal Asset Management, explains the importance of our ESG strategy.
Sustainable investment signatories and recognition
Learn more about sustainable investing efforts at Principal

Principal Global Investors has been awarded signatory status to the Financial Reporting Council UK Stewardship Code.2

Joined the United Nations Global Compact (January 2021).

Signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment since 2010.

GRESB 4-Star rating (2022)
U.S. Core strategy, 7th consecutive year
European Core strategy3 , 3rd consecutive year
European Office strategy

ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year (2016-2023)
Sustained Excellence (2018-20234)
2023 Sustainability Report
1 As recognized by Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB): 4-Star rating, seventh consecutive year, 2022. 2016-2022 GRESB assessment for Principal Real Estate’s Core strategy representing data from 31 December 2015 to 31 December 2021. Rating represents top 40% worldwide performance. In order to receive a ranking, the Firm paid GRESB an application fee to be evaluated and use the ranking. ENERGY STAR: Partner of the Year 2016-2023, Sustained Excellence 2018-2023. Energy Star, 2023 Energy Star Partner of the Year, awarded to Principal Real Estate Investors. Each year, the EPA honors organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through energy efficiency. April 2023, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
2 Awarded to Principal Asset Management (a trade name of Principal Global Investors, LLC), Financial Reporting Council UK Stewardship Code, 2021.
3 2016-2022 Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB) assessments for Principal Real Estate’s U.S. Core strategy representing data from 31 December 2015 to 31 December 2021; 2020–2022 GRESB assessments for Principal Real Estate’s European Core strategy representing data from 31 December 2019 to 31 December 2021; 2022 GRESB assessment for Principal Real Estate’s European Office strategy representing data from 31 December 2021. 4-star rating reflects top 40% worldwide performance.
4 Energy Star, 2023 Energy Star Partner of the Year, awarded to Principal Real Estate Investors. Each year, the EPA honors organizations that have made outstanding contributions to protecting the environment through energy efficiency. April 2023, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
ESG criteria may present additional advantages or risks and does not protect against market risks or volatility. You should not make any investment assumptions based solely on the information contained herein. There is no assurance that any ESG component in our investing strategy will be successful.
Principal Real Estate is a trade name of Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC, an affiliate of Principal Global Investors.
Principal Asset Management℠ is a trade name of Principal Global Investors, LLC. Principal®, Principal Financial Group®, Principal Asset Management, and Principal and the logomark design are registered trademarks and service marks of Principal Financial Services, Inc., a Principal Financial Group company, in various countries around the world and may be used only with the permission of Principal Financial Services, Inc.
All figures shown in this document are in U.S. dollars unless otherwise noted.
Investment involves risks. Past performance of any particular fund or product mentioned in this document is not indicative of future performance of the relevant fund or product, and the value of each fund or product mentioned in this document may go down as well as up. You should not invest solely in reliance on this document. There is no assurance on investment returns and you may not get back the amount originally invested.
You should consider your own risk tolerance level and financial circumstances before making any investment choices. If you are in doubt as to whether a certain fund or product mentioned in this document is suitable for you (including whether it is consistent with your investment objectives), you should seek legal, financial, tax, accounting and other professional advice to ensure that any decision made is suitable with regards to that your circumstances and financial position and choose the fund(s)/ product(s) suitable for you accordingly.
The information contained in this document has been derived from sources believed to be accurate and reliable as of the date of publishing of this document, and may no longer be true, accurate or complete when viewed by you. The content is for informational purpose only and does not constitute an offer, a solicitation of an offer or invitation, advertisement, inducement, representation of any kind or form whatsoever or any advice or recommendation to enter into any transactions in respect of the funds / products referred to in this document. This document is not intended to be relied upon as a forecast, research, or investment advice regarding a particular investment or the markets in general, nor is it intended to predict or guarantee the performance of any investment. The information does not take account of any investor’s investment objectives, particular needs or financial situation. You should not consider the information as a comprehensive statement to be relied upon. All expressions of opinion and predictions in this document are subject to change without notice.
Subject to any contrary provisions of applicable law, neither the Company, nor any of its affiliates, nor any of the employees or directors of the Company and its affiliates, warrants or guarantees the accuracy of the information contained in this document, nor accepts any responsibility arising out of or in connection with any errors or omissions of the contents set out in this document.
This document is the property of Principal Investment & Retirement Services Limited that no part of this document may be modified, reproduced, transmitted, stored or distributed to any other person or incorporation in any format for any purposes without Principal Investment & Retirement Services Limited’s prior written consent.
The content of this document is provided by Principal Global Investors. Principal Global Investors leads global asset management at Principal® and includes the asset management operations of the following members of Principal®: Principal Global Investors, LLC; Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC; Principal Real Estate Europe Limited and its affiliates; Spectrum Asset Management, Inc.; Post Advisory Group, LLC; Origin Asset Management, LLP; Claritas Investimentos; Principal Global Investors (Europe) Limited; Principal Global Investors (Singapore) Ltd.; Principal Global Investors (Australia) Ltd.; Principal Global Investors (Japan) Ltd.; Principal Asset Management Company (Asia) Limited, and include assets where we provide model portfolios. Marketing assets under management include certain assets that are managed by Principal International and Retirement and Income Solutions (RIS) divisions of Principal.
Principal®, Principal and symbol design and Principal Financial Group® are registered trademarks and service marks of Principal Financial Services, Inc, a member of the Principal Financial Group.
This document has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission.
This document is issued by Principal Investment & Retirement Services Limited.